Have you ever wonder why vampires and werewolves don't like each other? I can tell you why. And this IS a true story...
Long ago vampires and werewolves got along just fine. They were actually very close and would often have parties together. It was a truly happy existence. Then one day the vampire lord Zhao decided to bite a very important werewolf's mate. Of course she did ask him to bite her. She had always wondered what it would feel like for a vampire to bite her. One day her and her half-vampire best friend named Zoey were talking to lord Zhao. Then she asked him what being bitten felt like. "Does it hurt or tickle?" she asked. He said it hurt for only a second and then it felt good after that. So she and her friend both asked the vampire lord to bite them. He did and then both of the women left after chatting for a little while longer.
One night while the woman was sleeping her mate, Haku, smelled something funny. He then noticed the bite on her neck. He was furious so then he set out to find the vampire lord. He had said that he did bite her, but that she did ask for it, and that he was very sorry. He didn't know that she was his woman.
Haku headed home and then stayed up for the rest of the night. He couldn't sleep knowing that his mate had betrayed him, but he let her get her sleep. He just didn't want to face it right then.
When she woke up in the morning she had no clue that he knew of course. She asked him how he slept, he said that he couldn't sleep and that he was up all night. She was worried so she asked what was wrong. "Why don't you ask Zhao?" he growled. She looked shocked. "Who told you about this? Was it Zoey?" He said no. He had explained that he saw the bite marks on her neck and that he went to speak to the vampire lord.
"Oh.." is all she could manage to say. She looked up at him and said "We have been together for 124 years. It's really hard not to fall under temptations." He looked at her with disgust. She said, "I'm really sorry for what I have done. I feel terrible for it. Is there anything I could do to make it up to you?" He shook his head, "I- I just don't know if there is anything you can do." She frowned, "I'm so sorry Haku. Just tell me what I can do, and I will do it. I will do ANYTHING to make it right." All he could do is sit there still, he couldn't look at her anymore. She was tainted, and it was all because of the vampire lord. He thought that he had used his charm to lure her to him. He got up and said "I'll think about it," and left the house.
Later that evening he had gathered up all the werewolves for a meeting. He told them that all vampires were trying to steal their women, and that they couldn't be trusted. They believed him of course. He was their leader. He had told them that he bit his mate, and that he would soon go after the other women next.
From then on, vampires and werewolves hated each other.