What am I talking about exactly? It's unavoidable, and it will happen to everyone. I am talking about death. Some one who went to my school last year (she would be in ninth grade now) has died yesterday. I'm not going into the names or anything, because I haven't got their permission... Well, anyway, she was an eighth grader in my school and she had some type of cancer. I had her twin sister in my chorus class. But I'd like for you to pray for her family and friends. They are going through a really tough time. Especially the sister. I heard that it's especially hard to lose someone who is your twin because you can sort of feel their pain, and thoughts, and when they die it's like a part of them is missing. They were also really close I can tell. But please pray to them, they really need it to help them get through this.
During the summer a lot of famous people died. Farrah Faucett. Michael Jackson. Billy Mace.
A couple of my pets died too. Two of them. My dog Lady who was about to be 14 years old (in dog years.) We had her for 9 years. Also my cat Mello. I didn't have him as long, but I cried more. I cried a little when it was lady. But I cried for 2 days when Mello died. It was a rainy day. He was drinking some water that was going down the road, and someone hit him. My cat. I remember I posted that he died on my yahoo and someone asked me if I seen the end of death note. I have, but it had nothing to do with it. I named my cat after Mello. At fist it was Hikaru, but I decided to change it. The neighbors called him Meow Meow. But, yeah I loved that cat.
Let's think about good things. I'd like to thank Jun for following my blog. I've noticed another follower there. That was cool. People are starting to read my blog now. I'm glad that I'm not just writing this for no one to see. But this is mainly for myself. But I would like it if people read it. That would be great. I would really like to get some people at my school to read it. Anyone got questions? Because I'll eventually not have anything to write about and have to go to you for help. Like I did a long time ago. Or just post pictures. That was pretty lame. No one wants to waste their time going to a blog just to look at a few pictures all the time. Unless they are funny. Then it might be worth it. Well, thats it for now. I think I might talk about the most coolest person in the world tomorrow. I'm not going to tell you who it is. See you tomorrow!!