Other than that, I think today was pretty good! It was a very weird day also. We got to go outside and for all the kids who got good grades got to watch a movie. The movie that we watched was called Hurricane Season. I didn't really like it, and I don't think anyone else did either. I just ignored the movie for the most part and read, and it was weird too; I completely blocked the movie out and read the book. Most of the time I can barely concentrate, even if someone is talking in the next room. I think It's just that I like the book. It is called gamer girl and It's about a girl who moves from Boston to a small town in the suburbs (I can't remember what it was called) but anyway she doesn't fit in the new school and her parents got a divorce. Her dad ended up getting her a video game for her 16th birthday. She started playing it and she met this guy on it and then she finds herself crushing on him. The weird thing is, he seems a lot like another guy in her school and she also has a crush on him also. I have a feeling that he is, and that they will be together! So anyway I think it's a good book. I'm not sure if you will, but It's very interesting.
Anyway, when I was in 7th period I had a unit test. Being in the advanced class, everyone was done early. We started talking and there was this one guy in the class smelling all the girls hair in the room. He missed me so I told him to come and smell my hair. (I know, weird huh?) So he did, and it turns out, my hair smells better than everyone else in the class. So then a lot of guys ended up smelling my hair, and agreed with him. Then one girl did too. She agreed. When I got in the hall, on my way to art class I met with my boyfriend and he smelled my hair. Apparently he agreed because he wouldn't stop smelling it. Then I had my art teacher and a few of my friends smell it. So that concludes that I have good smelling hair. I'll blog ya later. Bye-Bye!!