It has finally started! I got a really cool Christmas jester hat to wear on the last day of school for the year. (it was so cool! It had bells!! xD) I even made Christmas cards for a few of my teachers and some students, then I slipped the cards in their lockers. I'm not sure they noticed them. A kid in my class, Tyler, helped me make them. I didn't have much time because I had to practice for my church's singing which is today. Me and a couple of the other kids at the church is singing Christmas songs. My dad will be coming to watch it too! I hope my mom will come. Last night Hakeem told me that his dad was probably coming to pick him up over the weekend and he might not be coming. I told him to tell his dad to wait until It's over to pick him up. He said he didn't want to disappoint his dad, WHAT ABOUT ME??? Now he has to choose between us. I hate when that happens.
About yesterday, I was trying to make so many people happy, and it turned into a disaster. A girl in my class, he brother had died and she has to go to a funeral over the holiday. Another girl in my class will be moving back to Mexico. In fourth period, over half the class was crying. I decided to take one of the cards that I was going to give to a teacher to her, and have everyone sign it. I didn't know her that well, but I know that she will be missed, that's for sure. Maybe we will see her again, there is always hope. I just hope tat she makes it there safely.
I want to thank my Friend Nick for reading my blog, and encouraging me to start writing in it again. I think my art teacher is right, maybe sims is keeping me from it. Sorry.
I'll see about posting tomorrow, or some time soon. Bye For Now!!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
The Governors School
I was meaning to post this a long time ago, about a week ago. Last weekend I went to our Governors school. It was really cool. I plan to go go for visual arts. I've been into art for a few years, ever since I met my art teacher, who has been a big inspiration. Also Masashi Kishimoto, the creator of Naruto. Even though I'm not crazy obsessed with it like I used to be. I don't even want to do manga anymore, my boyfriend's more into that stuff. Anyway, It was the coolest school I have ever seen!! The have a cool courtyard, with a fountain that I really liked. And the people there were really nice. I also got to see some really nice artwork. I'm going to have to practice a whole lot if I want to get in. It would be a lot of fun though. I was going to go for the residential high school, but I'm going to try out for the summer program as extra practice in the summer. I also want to study psychology, and be a psychologist. I took the PSAT the other day, the writing portion was okay, but the math was extremely difficult. I had to skip a lot of questions because I din't understand what I was reading, but the bright side is that I might be a Junior scholar!! I hope I get to, that would be really cool! And about my stories, I might post them, but some are personal. Well, thanls for reading today. I'll try to post soon!!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Photo Album
Hi everyone!! Here are some pictures of me and my friends and family and a couple of other things recently. I know that I once said, "Who wants to go to a blog just to see pictures?" before and I decided every now and again that's okay. I also like posting pictures. So enjoy them because there might not be any for a while. (Or at least until Halloween 'cuz I have the coolest costume ever!!)
This is a sad one....
My little brother. Holding this thing he likes to call a "sword" even if it's not.
This is Mello. At first he was Hikaru. During the summer, on a rainy day, he was hit by a car while drinking the water going down the road. Rest In Peace Mello.
So these are a few pictures of my family and friends. I like posting them. Even if some are somewhat sad. Next time I am going to post some short stories that I have been writing in a little notebook. I think I will, I'm not sure. Well, bye for now. I'll see ya as soon as I can!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Don't you love having relatives visit? But no matter how fun it is, it can get hectic at times. Just last week my family from Illinois came over. My Great Uncle Mitch, Cousin Chad, his friend Bill, and the tattoo guy, Art had come to visit. It was fun, and Chad is currently living with us. We had my cousins Connor and Collin and my Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Joe and my grandfather come over. It was nice, and I have never met Chad before (I think). But It was great. And we got to eat some really good barbecue chicken. He said it was famous where he's from, and I can see why. But sadly, they only came for four days. But some good news is that we got a chameleon!! We named him Lenny. See, when they were over, we went to the Jockey lot. There was a guy selling them. We bought one for $40. I almost talked my mom into getting us a Pomeranian. Okay, maybe not, but let a girl dream. But they were so cute and fluffy, I just had to have one. But I can settle for Lenny. He's really cool, but we had to buy a whole lot of stuff for him. Lamps, vines for him to climb on, crickets, and a few other things. I heard that Chameleons are hard to take care of, but that's okay. But a cool thing is, that we got two new family members in only four days!!! Bye, See you whenever.
And I'm planning to change the background of the blog soon. I just have to fine something first. I'd like suggestions. But nothing Halloween. I want to keep it for a while.
Here's a picture of Lenny:
Okay never mind. It doesn't want to load. I'll just post it later. I think that I'll do a post just for pictures.
Okay this is for real this time. Bye!!
And I'm planning to change the background of the blog soon. I just have to fine something first. I'd like suggestions. But nothing Halloween. I want to keep it for a while.
Here's a picture of Lenny:
Okay never mind. It doesn't want to load. I'll just post it later. I think that I'll do a post just for pictures.
Okay this is for real this time. Bye!!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
That's what I've become. I have been reading a lot lately. Right now I', reading 2 books. Romiette and Julio and Inkheart. They are both very good. I never thought that I would be interested in Romiette and Julio. But I like romance novels now too. And I never thought I'd like fantasy, but Inkheart is. I bet my English teacher is proud of herself right now. She actually lent me Inkheart. But books aside, I'd like to congratulate my English teacher from last year, who's getting married 2 months from now. Congratulations on a happy new marriage!!! I want to see the wedding pictures! I love to hear about people getting married and falling in love, It's great. You feel so happy for them. Wow, I can't wait until the day I get married. But I'm only 13, and that's a while ahead. But It's just exiting! Some more news, It's my Step Dad's birthday!! Happy Birthday dad. He's now 28 as of today. Now I'd like to get back to the books. Don't you just love them? Going to a new world? It's fun! Yoou forget about your problems in the real world and get sucked into a book and can see what they see, what they feel. It's amazing. You get to explore their thoughts and feelings and solve mysteries. Or pretend your talking to faires or goblins. Or be bit by a vampire. (That would be cool.) But books are fun. And writing is too. Your not just exploring a new world, your creating it. The characters, the plot, everything. And then someone pick up the book that you published, and plunges into the book, or thw world, that YOU created. It's a beautiful thing. I sound like my math teacher. (and her love for math. But math, really? Who likes math??) I guess she does. Well, I'm ging now. Have fun. And try reading, it's a lot more fun than you think.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sorry I haven't been posting in a few days. I either keep forgetting or remember but just don't feel like it. I went to my Grandmothers yesterday. Her car's not working and it was parked at Big-Lots and my grandpa got it towed to his house and he says she needs to get it fixed or he'll junk it. It wasn't that great but it was good to see my grandma. And I came home with a sore throat. But I'm okay now. I don't know what else to write so it'll be a short post today. I'll see if anything happens tomorrow then. Bye for now!!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Braces For All Faces
That was the motto at the Orthodontics's office I went to. Mrs. Farris, that was her name. Her assistant, Becky told me to sit down in the chair. Then she put this thing on my mouth to pull my lips apart from my mouth and a thing that went over my tongue to suck up all the saliva so the glue stuff can dry. Then she put this blue stuff on my teeth that made microscopic holes in my teeth. The she rinsed it off. After that Becky put some stuff on my teeth that's supposed to feel up the holes. Then Mrs. Farris walked in and glued the brackets on. After that I got to pick out different colors of the brace bands or whatever they're called (the tiny rubber bands that go around the brackets to hold down the wire.) Then they put the wire on and then the brace bands. I got blue and black. Then when I finally thought it was over, they called me back into the office so they could put a "chain" on my teeth. It's a little plastic rubber band in the form of a tiny chain. But that was what it was like getting my braces. I'll take a picture later when my teeth start to straighten up. Then you can see. Even though they are irritating, and I can't eat Doritos, I'll be okay. It's only going to be on for about 2 years. Then I'll get them taken off by my 16th birthday!! But they are a little sore for the first few day after getting them. But I take Ibuprofen so it doesn't hurt so bad. But it WILL be worth it. After they get taken off my teeth, I will have the prettiest smile ever!! But right now, they are straightening up. I'll have to eat soft foods for now though. If you just got braces, or got them tightened, here are some foods that you can eat, and what I've been eating. So here's the link to go to. Just click here...
Monday, August 24, 2009
Got them today. I would write about it, but I'm exhausted. I'll write about it tomorrow after school.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Very Important News!!
Now I need people to read my blog now more than ever!! This is very important. Your ticket to heaven is through Jesus, and having a microchip in your body is going to prevent eternal Happiness!! I know what is going on is scary, but trust in Jesus and everything will be fine. He is coming very soon. I mean very very soon. People always hear that he's coming soon, but now more than ever. The time gets closer and closer everyday. Things aren't going so well with the government either. They are going crazy and trying to make it a one world government. And there's also a chance we are going communist. Go to this link to see more. There's a lot of reading, but this is very very important. Your soul is at sake!!
Please don't ignore this! Things aren't going well and they are just going to get worse!!
Please don't ignore this! Things aren't going well and they are just going to get worse!!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
The Greatest Person Ever!!
Who is it? It's you of course!! I love my my readers. I want to talk about careers today. What do you want to be? More importantly, Who do you want to be? What do you love? I Love to help people. And one of my classmates said I'm a good listener. I want to be a psychiatrist. I also love to draw and write. I want to write manga. I want to be a lot of things. A mother. An aunt. A good sister. I can be that now, a good sister. But that's waaay down the line. I have goal that I need to achieve to get there. I should take classes on psychology. I want to know how the brain works. And I want to be a psychiatrist for adolescents.
I had just wrote a lot of stuff and it just got deleted! How did that happen. I would write it again but I don't want to waste my whole day writing things just for them to be deleted...
I'll just start on a new subject. The person I was actually going to talk about is my boyfriend. And a few tips I can go over too. But I'm going to tell you about him first. He's so sweet, he writes me poetry and gives me flowers. He's also into manga too, which is very cool. (You can skip this part if you want, it might be too long. Just go to the next paragraph if you want.) But there's a catch that a lot of people would never see coming considering who I am. And my parents aren't so okay with this. He's of a different race that I am. He's black. I'm white. (This reminds me of hairspray when that girl said "I am now a checkerboard chick" rofl) But my parents aren't cool with that. Especially my dad. I don't live with him, so I had to tell him when I went to visit him over the summer. I waited until we were on the way home. So my visit wouldn't be miserable. Him not talking to me. Anyway, he made me make a promise when I was younger. Maybe 9 or 8. Might have been 7. Or 10. I don't remember. I just remember the promise. It was extremely hard. At least he didn't scream at me. But he's not like that. He was just really quiet. I wish I knew what he was thinking. It's not bad. It's not a sin. I don't believe it is. But let's get back to the important one here. His name is Hakeem. But a lot of people don't like the fact that we go out. It has been 4 months yesterday. But this is how it started. I was friends with a friend of his. Then I stared to be friends with two of his other friends. I still didn't know him. But one of his friends told me he liked me and stuff. She lived right next to him. So they were best friends. She was also my friend last year too so she told me that. I didn't like him or even really care who he was then though. But as we talked more, and got to know each other better. We became friends. We talked and it turned out he liked anime. We talked about anime and everything. So I started to crush on him. No, he wasn't really that cute, but he was cool. I actually started to think he was cute then. Then around February or March he told me he had feelings for me and everything. I told him I sort of did too. I guess we could have said we went out since then. But actually we didn't. A few months later we went to art camp at camp Greenville. I really liked it. We met this really cool Vietnamese girl. Anyways, we talked a lot there and then we went hiking and painted with this Japanese lady. And then the camp fire was fun. We sang sweet home Alabama. we wet to the back. and no we did not kiss. We had just held hands and made smores and cuddled by the campfire. And it was really cold up there in the mountains. But we left the next day. I broke up with him the first time that day too. I feel really bad about it now. Really really bad. I should never have done it. And I realize now that it was a big big mistake. But anyways, four days later we got back together.This was the time when everyone started to know about us. People would always say that we should break up and one guy I knew said that I could do so much better. But I really don't think so. And why would I want to? When I'm happy right now? So I really DON'T care what others think, and I DON'T care what they say. It was getting irritating that everyone was calling me Hakeem. They don't call me that now. They call me Mrs. Davis. Well, a friend of ours does. And I've know that I'm not perfect and I'm shy and I'm the "goth girl" or whatever. Or I used to be, he actually likes me. And It's always good to know that there are people who care about you.
Now that my really long story is over, you need to stop looking on the outside. On outer appearances. He's not the hottest guy around, but he is nice. Not the coolest, but the most romantic. Don't look for the perfect good looking one. Because they are jerks. I know from past experiences. They are jerks. And they probably wouldn't even look my way. And don't just date a guy because he makes you look good either. You're just using him, and it's not right. And don't have your expectations so high. No body's perfect. Not even Edward Cullen.
Oh and here's a cool quote I came up with that would go good with something I wrote earlier.
"There is only one race, the human race."
I came up with that all by myself. I think it's pretty good don't you?
And I'm not sure If I'll be writing tomorrow. I have church and all that stuff. Bye for today though!!
I had just wrote a lot of stuff and it just got deleted! How did that happen. I would write it again but I don't want to waste my whole day writing things just for them to be deleted...
I'll just start on a new subject. The person I was actually going to talk about is my boyfriend. And a few tips I can go over too. But I'm going to tell you about him first. He's so sweet, he writes me poetry and gives me flowers. He's also into manga too, which is very cool. (You can skip this part if you want, it might be too long. Just go to the next paragraph if you want.) But there's a catch that a lot of people would never see coming considering who I am. And my parents aren't so okay with this. He's of a different race that I am. He's black. I'm white. (This reminds me of hairspray when that girl said "I am now a checkerboard chick" rofl) But my parents aren't cool with that. Especially my dad. I don't live with him, so I had to tell him when I went to visit him over the summer. I waited until we were on the way home. So my visit wouldn't be miserable. Him not talking to me. Anyway, he made me make a promise when I was younger. Maybe 9 or 8. Might have been 7. Or 10. I don't remember. I just remember the promise. It was extremely hard. At least he didn't scream at me. But he's not like that. He was just really quiet. I wish I knew what he was thinking. It's not bad. It's not a sin. I don't believe it is. But let's get back to the important one here. His name is Hakeem. But a lot of people don't like the fact that we go out. It has been 4 months yesterday. But this is how it started. I was friends with a friend of his. Then I stared to be friends with two of his other friends. I still didn't know him. But one of his friends told me he liked me and stuff. She lived right next to him. So they were best friends. She was also my friend last year too so she told me that. I didn't like him or even really care who he was then though. But as we talked more, and got to know each other better. We became friends. We talked and it turned out he liked anime. We talked about anime and everything. So I started to crush on him. No, he wasn't really that cute, but he was cool. I actually started to think he was cute then. Then around February or March he told me he had feelings for me and everything. I told him I sort of did too. I guess we could have said we went out since then. But actually we didn't. A few months later we went to art camp at camp Greenville. I really liked it. We met this really cool Vietnamese girl. Anyways, we talked a lot there and then we went hiking and painted with this Japanese lady. And then the camp fire was fun. We sang sweet home Alabama. we wet to the back. and no we did not kiss. We had just held hands and made smores and cuddled by the campfire. And it was really cold up there in the mountains. But we left the next day. I broke up with him the first time that day too. I feel really bad about it now. Really really bad. I should never have done it. And I realize now that it was a big big mistake. But anyways, four days later we got back together.This was the time when everyone started to know about us. People would always say that we should break up and one guy I knew said that I could do so much better. But I really don't think so. And why would I want to? When I'm happy right now? So I really DON'T care what others think, and I DON'T care what they say. It was getting irritating that everyone was calling me Hakeem. They don't call me that now. They call me Mrs. Davis. Well, a friend of ours does. And I've know that I'm not perfect and I'm shy and I'm the "goth girl" or whatever. Or I used to be, he actually likes me. And It's always good to know that there are people who care about you.
Now that my really long story is over, you need to stop looking on the outside. On outer appearances. He's not the hottest guy around, but he is nice. Not the coolest, but the most romantic. Don't look for the perfect good looking one. Because they are jerks. I know from past experiences. They are jerks. And they probably wouldn't even look my way. And don't just date a guy because he makes you look good either. You're just using him, and it's not right. And don't have your expectations so high. No body's perfect. Not even Edward Cullen.
Oh and here's a cool quote I came up with that would go good with something I wrote earlier.
"There is only one race, the human race."
I came up with that all by myself. I think it's pretty good don't you?
And I'm not sure If I'll be writing tomorrow. I have church and all that stuff. Bye for today though!!
Friday, August 21, 2009
It Could Happen To Anyone...
What am I talking about exactly? It's unavoidable, and it will happen to everyone. I am talking about death. Some one who went to my school last year (she would be in ninth grade now) has died yesterday. I'm not going into the names or anything, because I haven't got their permission... Well, anyway, she was an eighth grader in my school and she had some type of cancer. I had her twin sister in my chorus class. But I'd like for you to pray for her family and friends. They are going through a really tough time. Especially the sister. I heard that it's especially hard to lose someone who is your twin because you can sort of feel their pain, and thoughts, and when they die it's like a part of them is missing. They were also really close I can tell. But please pray to them, they really need it to help them get through this.
During the summer a lot of famous people died. Farrah Faucett. Michael Jackson. Billy Mace.
A couple of my pets died too. Two of them. My dog Lady who was about to be 14 years old (in dog years.) We had her for 9 years. Also my cat Mello. I didn't have him as long, but I cried more. I cried a little when it was lady. But I cried for 2 days when Mello died. It was a rainy day. He was drinking some water that was going down the road, and someone hit him. My cat. I remember I posted that he died on my yahoo and someone asked me if I seen the end of death note. I have, but it had nothing to do with it. I named my cat after Mello. At fist it was Hikaru, but I decided to change it. The neighbors called him Meow Meow. But, yeah I loved that cat.
Let's think about good things. I'd like to thank Jun for following my blog. I've noticed another follower there. That was cool. People are starting to read my blog now. I'm glad that I'm not just writing this for no one to see. But this is mainly for myself. But I would like it if people read it. That would be great. I would really like to get some people at my school to read it. Anyone got questions? Because I'll eventually not have anything to write about and have to go to you for help. Like I did a long time ago. Or just post pictures. That was pretty lame. No one wants to waste their time going to a blog just to look at a few pictures all the time. Unless they are funny. Then it might be worth it. Well, thats it for now. I think I might talk about the most coolest person in the world tomorrow. I'm not going to tell you who it is. See you tomorrow!!
During the summer a lot of famous people died. Farrah Faucett. Michael Jackson. Billy Mace.
A couple of my pets died too. Two of them. My dog Lady who was about to be 14 years old (in dog years.) We had her for 9 years. Also my cat Mello. I didn't have him as long, but I cried more. I cried a little when it was lady. But I cried for 2 days when Mello died. It was a rainy day. He was drinking some water that was going down the road, and someone hit him. My cat. I remember I posted that he died on my yahoo and someone asked me if I seen the end of death note. I have, but it had nothing to do with it. I named my cat after Mello. At fist it was Hikaru, but I decided to change it. The neighbors called him Meow Meow. But, yeah I loved that cat.
Let's think about good things. I'd like to thank Jun for following my blog. I've noticed another follower there. That was cool. People are starting to read my blog now. I'm glad that I'm not just writing this for no one to see. But this is mainly for myself. But I would like it if people read it. That would be great. I would really like to get some people at my school to read it. Anyone got questions? Because I'll eventually not have anything to write about and have to go to you for help. Like I did a long time ago. Or just post pictures. That was pretty lame. No one wants to waste their time going to a blog just to look at a few pictures all the time. Unless they are funny. Then it might be worth it. Well, thats it for now. I think I might talk about the most coolest person in the world tomorrow. I'm not going to tell you who it is. See you tomorrow!!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The Long and Painful Headache
It wasn't that bad today. I'm starting to like it. School's not as bad as I thought it would be. The headache is now starting to ease away. I have a couple of friends on the bus with me now. That's good. Maybe I won't be called the "quiet girl" any more. I'll be called "I can't believe you're talking" now. I just don't see why everyone is shocked that I actually talk to people. That I have friends. I have had friends, for a while now. Everyone does. Okay, maybe not. There was a point and time that I didn't have friends. And people may not realize this, but I hate being called "the quiet girl" or "the shy girl" or even "the goth girl." That's not who I am. I may like the Gothic style, and I may be shy. But that is NOT my name. It might actually be nice to be called by my name for once. I might be into that stuff but that's not me, that's not all I am. I am shy. I am quiet. I like goth. I like vampires. I make good grades. But that does NOT mean I have no friends. That I am goth. I am a nerd. I may be a nerd, but that's not a bad thing. But back to when I didn't have friends. It was in the beginning of seventh grade. My friend I made in sixth grade, Savannah, had moved away. Some people had picked on her because she was emo. And she was, so be it. It has nothing to do with them why she was emo. Maybe she just wanted to be. That doesn't mean anyone should treat her badly because of it. That was her decision, and whether it was the right decision or not, it's no one's right to criticize it. And for people who are dealing with that problem. Ignore them. That's the best thing to do. They think they know everything that's going on, but they don't. They don't know why and they don't understand you. I know that doesn't help much, but they are..... stupid. They go and jump to conclusions. And I realized It's not so much of a big deal anymore. An example would be, someone calls whoever fat. Then they feel bad because they are diabetic and they can't help it. Maybe if they knew. They wouldn't say it. And they only say that because they have nothing better to do. They probably have no lives and sit at home feeling sorry for themselves. Wondering why they don't have friends. Or wondering why they don't have good friends. And people are mean, I know. And I have herd of people killing themselves because of it. Which is horrible. And it could be something little too. But my advice is, don't get worked up over it. No body's perfect. They have problems too. That doesn't mean that you have to throw it in their face. That's how fights happen. But the best you can do is smile and bear it. Think on the bright side, it could be worse. They haven't done any harm to you physically have they? And if anyone has, TELL SOMEBODY. Call the police, tell your parents, or a teacher. Or maybe a friend. Don't go through your life without telling somebody. If they are doing this and they find out you aren't doing anything about it, it won't make them stop because they feel sorry for you. They'll do it even worse. I know. It has happened to me. I know you don't like it. Nobody likes it, but you don't have to sit there and deal with it. Tell someone who can help you. Or someone will listen. You can talk to me. Go to my myspace to reach me. I would love to listen. Everyone should have someone to go talk to. Even you.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Band Of The Week
I almost fogot about this. I'm glad I remembered. Now I know you gotta know this band. I've been listening to them since even before I was born....
Its Metallica!!!! They've been around for a while aand have written and perfomed so many great hits. My parents were big fans of Metallica. And my dad still is today. I've always liked them but I've gotten even more interested when I played Guitar hero Metallica for the wii. Its a step up from Guitar hero world tour. The game rocks, really it does, so try it out its great!!
School Finally here...
Wow. Summer vacation actually passed pretty quickly considering how BORING it was. I had my first day of school today. And it was like a long continuous headache, as I told my friend Celeste earlier. It's okay I guess, just having nine class periods is irritating and I have to deal with the same people ALL day. But I got to see my friends in the morning. That was nice. :)
I was actually nervous this morning. I felt like I was going to throw up. But it was great being at the top again. I'm surprised I made it this far. I never thought about what being in 8th grade was going to be like until now. It's a lot like 7th grade, but a lot more confusing. They changed everything now. Instead of having A days and B days, we have the same related arts everyday. That's good. More art. But also more gym. :( but I'll find a way to survive. But I'm really bummed because my boyfriend and I have no classes together. At least we get to see each other a little bit. And I have no distractions. Because if he was in my class I probably wouldn't have fantastic grades. So that's good, for both of us. But it's also difficult because I promised him that I would help him with school stuff. Like tutor him. I'm in all advanced classes and I'm in Algerbra 1. I have no clue how I did it. But my concern is that I'm going to be too drowsy at the end of the day that I'm going to have a hard time with that class because when I was in 6th grade, I nearly failed because my math class was at the end of the day. But I'll be fine and things will get better :) I think this year might actually be fun. Now that I'm in all the advanced classes. I won't have to deal with all the crap I had to last year. Well, I guess I'll just see.
I'm really proud of myself. I'm actually writing!!!! I ususally posted pictures but now I'm actually writing about my real life. It may not be the most interesting life, but It's mine, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. :)
I was actually nervous this morning. I felt like I was going to throw up. But it was great being at the top again. I'm surprised I made it this far. I never thought about what being in 8th grade was going to be like until now. It's a lot like 7th grade, but a lot more confusing. They changed everything now. Instead of having A days and B days, we have the same related arts everyday. That's good. More art. But also more gym. :( but I'll find a way to survive. But I'm really bummed because my boyfriend and I have no classes together. At least we get to see each other a little bit. And I have no distractions. Because if he was in my class I probably wouldn't have fantastic grades. So that's good, for both of us. But it's also difficult because I promised him that I would help him with school stuff. Like tutor him. I'm in all advanced classes and I'm in Algerbra 1. I have no clue how I did it. But my concern is that I'm going to be too drowsy at the end of the day that I'm going to have a hard time with that class because when I was in 6th grade, I nearly failed because my math class was at the end of the day. But I'll be fine and things will get better :) I think this year might actually be fun. Now that I'm in all the advanced classes. I won't have to deal with all the crap I had to last year. Well, I guess I'll just see.
I'm really proud of myself. I'm actually writing!!!! I ususally posted pictures but now I'm actually writing about my real life. It may not be the most interesting life, but It's mine, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. :)
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
You didn't think I'd follow through?
You probably didn't thinkI would follow through with this did you? If you don't you have your reasons. I have said I was going to start posting again and haven't wrote after that. But I really want to now. I'm getting rid of that music too. It's just irritating. It comes out of nowere. And you don't even understand it. Well, I don't.
Okay, going serious now. I'd like to ask anyone who reads this a favor. Will you pray for my family? We have been going through a hard time. And also pray for our church which is under consttruction. I'm not going to go into my family's issues, sorry, but just trust me things aren't going all that well. So just please do me one thing and pray for us. And the construction of the church. Also pray for my boyfriend's family. They have also been having some problems too. I would appreciate you doing that for me.
Anyway, I'm going to meet my teachers tonight! I've never been so exited for school to start back. That's mainly because I missed everybody. And, even if this sounds nerdy, I like to learn new things. I also really miss my art teacher. (She's the greatest >.<) I love art class and I'm hoping that she'll have afterschool art this year too. I've been thinking that all the clubs should come up with their own symbol. Does that sound like a good idea? And don't get me wrong. I have NOT gone all preppy on you. That's just wrong. And I'm still not that type of person who is proud of my school. Mainly because I thinks it's a waste of time, but also because we need some work. And I hate how they keep getting stricter and stricter, but thats us to blame, if we were good, they would tone it down on the rules. But some people are bad. So, I think it's going to stay the same. And I think we won't be able to wear jackets in the school and I can't do that because the school is just waaay too cold. I would continue, but I don't like to complain. I just hope I have some classes with my friends. That's proabably all I should be worried about. And getting good grades, but that's not much of a problem. If the classes aren't boring I have nothing to worry about. Even though they probably will be, exept for art of course. Well, my hands are getting numb from typing. Bye-
Okay, going serious now. I'd like to ask anyone who reads this a favor. Will you pray for my family? We have been going through a hard time. And also pray for our church which is under consttruction. I'm not going to go into my family's issues, sorry, but just trust me things aren't going all that well. So just please do me one thing and pray for us. And the construction of the church. Also pray for my boyfriend's family. They have also been having some problems too. I would appreciate you doing that for me.
Anyway, I'm going to meet my teachers tonight! I've never been so exited for school to start back. That's mainly because I missed everybody. And, even if this sounds nerdy, I like to learn new things. I also really miss my art teacher. (She's the greatest >.<) I love art class and I'm hoping that she'll have afterschool art this year too. I've been thinking that all the clubs should come up with their own symbol. Does that sound like a good idea? And don't get me wrong. I have NOT gone all preppy on you. That's just wrong. And I'm still not that type of person who is proud of my school. Mainly because I thinks it's a waste of time, but also because we need some work. And I hate how they keep getting stricter and stricter, but thats us to blame, if we were good, they would tone it down on the rules. But some people are bad. So, I think it's going to stay the same. And I think we won't be able to wear jackets in the school and I can't do that because the school is just waaay too cold. I would continue, but I don't like to complain. I just hope I have some classes with my friends. That's proabably all I should be worried about. And getting good grades, but that's not much of a problem. If the classes aren't boring I have nothing to worry about. Even though they probably will be, exept for art of course. Well, my hands are getting numb from typing. Bye-
Monday, August 17, 2009
My ComeBack
Hey everyone, I've decided to start writing on the blog again. I stopped writing because I haven't had anything to write about. So many things have happened and I'd like to start writing it all. I have changed a lot too. I got a boyfriend. More friends, and a real life. I've also gotten closer to God and started going back to the church I went to when I was little. It's also a daycare That I went to ever since I was a baby. And I'd like to share all that with the world. I also am a lot happier than I used to be. I've gotten less shy too. I think my style is changing also. Not that I still don't like emo, but Im gonna dress emo less. AND I also got 4 teeth pulled the other day. I'm also going to get braces soon. I'm thinking about getting pink and black. Well, thats it for today. Tomorrow I'm planning on giving the blog a total makeover. But I'm not sure what to do first.
Bye and see you tomorrow!
Bye and see you tomorrow!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
band of the week
Monday, March 2, 2009
i tooks me a survey thingy!!! :D
1. Do you like chinese food? yes!!!
2. How big is your bed? queen size
3. Is your room clean? nope :)
4. Laptop or Desktop computer? laptop
5. Favorite comedian? don't have one
6. Do you smoke? nope
7. Does anyone like you? well, do you?
8. Whats the sexiest thing about Condoleeza Rice? wtf?!
10. Sleep with or without clothes on? with my clothes on, i'm only 13
11. Who sleeps with you every night? er... no one
12. Do long distance relationships work? no
13. How many times have you been pulled over by the police? none :)
14. Pancakes or French Toast? BOTH!!!
15. Do you like coffee? yep
16. How do you like your eggs? over easy
17. Do you believe in astrology? is that like stars and planets?
18. Last person you talked to on the phone? my best friend
19. Last person on your missed call list? can't remember
20. What was the last text message you received? no cell phone :/
21. McDonalds or Burger King? McDonalds! no Burger King! i can't decide...
22. Number of pillows? 3?
23. Last thing you ate? pizza!!!
24. Last thing you bought? Vampire Kisses vol. 2!
25. What are you hearing right now? T.V.
26. Pick a lyric? um...
27. What kind of jelly do you like on your PB & J sandwich? grape!!!
28. Can you play pool? maybe
29. Do you know how to swim? yes
30. Favorite ice cream? all of them!!
31. Do you like maps? no, they are confusing
32. Tell me a random fact: Asain people love blue eyes
33. Ever had a hard on at work? nope
34. Ever attend a theme party? uh...
35. Ever do a keg stand?no
36. Craziest place you've slept after a night of drinking? i don't drink
37. What is your favorite season? winter & fall
38. What is the first music video you ever saw? i think one by Nickleback
39. Pick a movie quote: At the bottom of the world there's a big black pit and the vermin of the world inhabit it -- Sweeny Todd
40. Favorite quote: "Cigarettes and coffee: an alcoholic's best friend!" Gerard Way
41. What is your favorite hangout? ummm
42. Best friend's name? Savannah
43. How long have you known them? a few years
44. Last time you laughed at something stupid? 5 minutes ago
45. What time did you wake up this morning? 5:30 then fell back to sleep
46. Wake up next to anyone? nope
47. Best thing about winter? SNOW!!!
48. Name a couple of favorite colors: pink, black, red, rainbow!!!
49. How old are you? 13
50. What month is your birthday in? December
51. Do you think pirates are cool or overrated? um... pirates r cool i guess
52. Favorite Dave Matthews Band song (if you have one?) who?
53. Who will take this survey? you decide :p
2. How big is your bed? queen size
3. Is your room clean? nope :)
4. Laptop or Desktop computer? laptop
5. Favorite comedian? don't have one
6. Do you smoke? nope
7. Does anyone like you? well, do you?
8. Whats the sexiest thing about Condoleeza Rice? wtf?!
10. Sleep with or without clothes on? with my clothes on, i'm only 13
11. Who sleeps with you every night? er... no one
12. Do long distance relationships work? no
13. How many times have you been pulled over by the police? none :)
14. Pancakes or French Toast? BOTH!!!
15. Do you like coffee? yep
16. How do you like your eggs? over easy
17. Do you believe in astrology? is that like stars and planets?
18. Last person you talked to on the phone? my best friend
19. Last person on your missed call list? can't remember
20. What was the last text message you received? no cell phone :/
21. McDonalds or Burger King? McDonalds! no Burger King! i can't decide...
22. Number of pillows? 3?
23. Last thing you ate? pizza!!!
24. Last thing you bought? Vampire Kisses vol. 2!
25. What are you hearing right now? T.V.
26. Pick a lyric? um...
27. What kind of jelly do you like on your PB & J sandwich? grape!!!
28. Can you play pool? maybe
29. Do you know how to swim? yes
30. Favorite ice cream? all of them!!
31. Do you like maps? no, they are confusing
32. Tell me a random fact: Asain people love blue eyes
33. Ever had a hard on at work? nope
34. Ever attend a theme party? uh...
35. Ever do a keg stand?no
36. Craziest place you've slept after a night of drinking? i don't drink
37. What is your favorite season? winter & fall
38. What is the first music video you ever saw? i think one by Nickleback
39. Pick a movie quote: At the bottom of the world there's a big black pit and the vermin of the world inhabit it -- Sweeny Todd
40. Favorite quote: "Cigarettes and coffee: an alcoholic's best friend!" Gerard Way
41. What is your favorite hangout? ummm
42. Best friend's name? Savannah
43. How long have you known them? a few years
44. Last time you laughed at something stupid? 5 minutes ago
45. What time did you wake up this morning? 5:30 then fell back to sleep
46. Wake up next to anyone? nope
47. Best thing about winter? SNOW!!!
48. Name a couple of favorite colors: pink, black, red, rainbow!!!
49. How old are you? 13
50. What month is your birthday in? December
51. Do you think pirates are cool or overrated? um... pirates r cool i guess
52. Favorite Dave Matthews Band song (if you have one?) who?
53. Who will take this survey? you decide :p
Monday, February 23, 2009
has anyone seen Fred on iCarlY?
(yeah i know iCarly...)
but it was hilarious!!! so i looked fred up, and watched some of his videos
fred is the best!!!
(yeah i know iCarly...)
but it was hilarious!!! so i looked fred up, and watched some of his videos
fred is the best!!!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
i got a recent comment that says my blog is lame
thought i didn't read your comments?
i don't really care what you think
clearly you have some problems you need to fix
so don't go and pick on me!
but if you don't like it tell me
i have no problem with it
is it boring?
i hate when you do this to me!
as if i wasn't miserable enough?
thought i didn't read your comments?
i don't really care what you think
clearly you have some problems you need to fix
so don't go and pick on me!
but if you don't like it tell me
i have no problem with it
is it boring?
i hate when you do this to me!
as if i wasn't miserable enough?
Sunday, February 8, 2009
I found it. Let's just say that Chsisstopher lost it (my brother)
It was in HIS ds anyway.
Just thought i'd let you know, I'm not gonna tell you everything
just a few things. They still got to sell some of these things...
hello- konnichiwa
See you later-mata ne.
Good evening-konbanwa
grr. sorry i would tell you more but christopher just walked up to me jerked the DS right out of my hands.
I would use mine
but I don't have the slightest clue where it is.
So I guess we are just going to have to wait...!
I found it. Let's just say that Chsisstopher lost it (my brother)
It was in HIS ds anyway.
Just thought i'd let you know, I'm not gonna tell you everything
just a few things. They still got to sell some of these things...
hello- konnichiwa
See you later-mata ne.
Good evening-konbanwa
grr. sorry i would tell you more but christopher just walked up to me jerked the DS right out of my hands.
I would use mine
but I don't have the slightest clue where it is.
So I guess we are just going to have to wait...!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Nihongo lessons!
I have decided to teach you all Japanese!
So the some of the posts from now on will teach you.
I would now but I lost my Japanes teaching thingy.
It's a DS game
but I'll try to find it
I'm always losing stuffs lol.
So the some of the posts from now on will teach you.
I would now but I lost my Japanes teaching thingy.
It's a DS game
but I'll try to find it
I'm always losing stuffs lol.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
YouTube - I'm a loser baby, so why don't you Kill me?
YouTube - I'm a loser baby, so why don't you Kill me?
look at this video. it's funny
i think that this would maybe would be better for the other blog maybe
but who cares???
and if anyone knows german, or whatever language this is,
could you translate it for me?
look at this video. it's funny
i think that this would maybe would be better for the other blog maybe
but who cares???
and if anyone knows german, or whatever language this is,
could you translate it for me?
Monday, January 5, 2009
Who is the hottest anime character?
I know there are a lot of them, so I didn't wanna make a poll. I was just bored. Who do you think is the hottest anime character. I think SAsuke is, What bout u?
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Here recently Iv'e been playing guitar hero. And, it rocks. I've also noticed that I've been paying a lot more attention to music. I now find it easier to find the meanings of the songs. I have been paying more attention to the lyrics. And I'm learning more about rock and roll. I have new interests in music. I like more songs. Ozzy Osbourne is kind of cool. I don't like this song Mr. Crowley.
I only know some of the lyrics and This Mr Crowley doesnt sound so great.
Here are the lyrics, I looked them up.
Mr. Crowley, what went on in your head
Mr. Crowley, did you talk with the dead
Your life style to me seemed so tragic
With the thrill of it all
You fooled all the people with magic
You waited on Satan's call
Mr. Charming, did you think you were pure
Mr. Alarming, in nocturnal rapport
Uncovering things that were sacred manifest on this Earth
Conceived in the eye of a secret
And they scattered the afterbirth(solo)
Mr. Crowley, won't you ride my white horse
Mr. Crowley, it's symbolic of course
Approaching a time that is classic
I hear maidens call
Approaching a time that is drastic
Standing with their backs to the wall
Was it polemically sent
l wanna know what you meant
I wanna know
I wanna know what you meant
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